Jeremy Damaris, an investigative freelance journalist for KD Tv, reported on an unusual story about a woman who was married in a colorful ceremony and then flown to South Africa for a honeymoon by her spouse.
As she told her narrative to Jeremy, Catherine Njeri described how she had dropped out of school in quest of a house help position, which subsequently came with the blessing of a spouse as a result of her efforts.
After a period of time spent together, the husband began to change for the worse, according to the wife. He had the authority to beat her, sleep with her housekeeper, or even bring other women into her home, where she was expected to welcome and care for them in a hospitable manner. He had the authority to do any of these things.
As she told her narrative to Jeremy, Catherine Njeri described how she had dropped out of school in quest of a house help position, which subsequently came with the blessing of a spouse as a result of her efforts.
After a period of time spent together, the husband began to change for the worse, according to the wife. He had the authority to beat her, sleep with her housekeeper, or even bring other women into her home, where she was expected to welcome and care for them in a hospitable manner. He had the authority to do any of these things.
After doing a colourful marriage, they went for honeymoon to South Africa for three weeks. The shocking thing is that her husband did not touch her, but instead, he found company in other women, all happening under her watch.
Catherine reveals that she has had suicide thoughts throughout her life as a result of everything she has been through. But she never stopped praying to God to help her overcome her problems until one day she walked out of the house in search of calm.
Her predicaments at the hands of her abusive husband made her write a book, which has been retailing in selected bookshops.
Thanks for reading.
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