5 Painful Signs That You May Have Contracted A Sexually Transmitted Infection

STIs are those infections that are transmitted from one person to onother through sexual contact with infected persons. The pathogens that causes the infections spread through blood, semen, vaginal and other body fluids. Therefore it's worth noting that sexually transmitted infections can also be contracted through sharing needles, breastfeeding and blood transfusion. The signs and symptoms of these infections may manifest or fail to at all depending on the person's immunity especially during early stages of infection. Hence it's important to regularly go for health check-ups. If a person experiences the following 5 signs a few days after exposure to unprotected sex they should immediately seek medical attention. 1.Un usual vaginal bleeding. This could be bleeding or spotting between period, after menopause, heavier or prolonged menstrual flow. 2.Abnormal discharge from the private organs. un usual vaginal discharge or from the penis is a strong sign of a sexually transmit...