Irungu is a man who currently lives in Limuru. He was born healthy and he got married and had 4 kids with her wife. He was very a faithful Husband until one day he slipped and fell and messed up his life and that of his family
Before he met his wife, he was married to another woman who they divorced after one year. She met this woman later on as he was working in Nairobi. The woman sweet talked her and he fell into her webs again.
Nahashon mwangi did not know that the woman was infected. They went and slept together in a lodging for not more than 4 hours and he went back to his wife.
Three years later, his wife got sick and was admitted. In the hospital the doctors carried out some tests and she was diagnosed as HIV positive. When the doctors broke the news to her, she was very shocked and she died instantly.
When Nahashon received the news, he was very devastated, in a way he felt responsible for his wife’s death. He started blaming himself for ever going out of his marriage
The wife was burried and Nahashon went to the hospital for testing. He was found positive and he started his medication then. He went by his ex wife’s shop and told her to get tested since he was diagnosed as HIV positive. The woman just laughed and told him that she didn’t care.
From there Nahashon took the initiative of telling these news to everyone. He first called his children and informed them , then to family members, and later to the whole village. He has Always being so open about his condition. He goes to schools and meetings he is invited to and warn everyone that HIV is real.
He is currently very sick. He has a spinal cord problem and has goitre growth on his throat. He is asking for help from everyone who finds it in their hearts to help him.
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